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Friday 17 January 2014

Relationship between Producers and Audiences

The relationship between producers and audiences has to use a two way flow of information for it to work. For example in a test screening the producers will want feedback on what the audience liked and what they didn’t. The producers will gain knowledge from this and what the audience are looking for. This will also help in the marketing side of things too.

Test Screenings

Test screenings are designed for the audience to watch the film they have made and for them to give feedback to the producers. This will help the producers make their final decision whether to use the film they used in the test screening for their final cut. Producers may also give the audience information about why they has decided to use this as his final cut and why they believe it is suitable for release.

Test screenings can change a film dramatically, for example the first Paranormal Activity film has got 3 different endings. This is because one of the endings where the main actress who is possessed slits her own throat in front of the camera at the end and most audiences said it left them disturbed and they thought it was unnecessary. After these reviews the producers decided to add 2 alternate endings which the audience could choose. This made it fair for everyone as the other two were less disturbing as the “Throat” ending.

Another thing that test screenings can change is the title of the film itself! An example of this would be the James Bond film ‘License Revoked’ or as we now know it ‘License to Kill’ due to the opinion of American audiences.

Pros of having test screenings:

·         Audience can give back feedback to help you on the film idea.

·         Get to know what the audience is looking for.

·         Find out the Target audience for the type or genre of your film.

·         The audience that viewed the test screen could spread good word about the film which would make more people want to go and watch it.

·         Producer/investor will get the final say

·         Audience may get the final say

Cons of having test screenings:

·         Producers may disagree with the audience.

·         The audience may not be experts on film making and just decide whether they thought it was appropriate or not.

·         Producers may have to spend a lot more money by changing endings or scenes to make it better or even less offensive.

·         The audience could post spoilers on the internet.

·         Possibility of a negative word of mouth resulting in less people wanting to watch the film.


Silent film comedian Harold Lloyd star of ‘Sailor Made Man’ that was directed by Hal Roach was the first film to use a test screening. In this test screening they measured the amount of laughter coming from the audience to decide whether it was a popular film or not. A lot has changed since then as now the audiences are given questionnaires by the producers to get feedback on different scenes and styles of shots.

Some producers refuse to have test screenings for the films. The big time producer Steven Spielberg is amongst the group that refuse. They can get away with this because all the previous films that they have produced have made a lot of money and were very popular with the audiences. If an audience views and advert of a film and a high status producer such as Spielberg or Christopher Nolan they will just assume and expect that the film will be top quality such as ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ and ‘Saving Private Ryan’. Therefore a test screening will be unnecessary because the producers will know their target audience and what they are looking for in the movie. 

In my personal opinion I think that test screenings are a really great idea. This is because the audience can see what the film is like before it is released to the general public and will give their opinion on it. This will give the producers time before the film is released to change any scenes, endings or maybe characters. Also they will find out how they can advertise and market the film before it is released to it will appeal to the correct target audience. This is important because the worst thing that could happen when releasing a film is attracting the wrong target audience and for that particular audience to be disappointed and spread a negative word of mouth which eventually will spread round to the correct target audience and stop them from going to watch it. This would be a disaster for any film maker.
However high status producers such as Spielberg and Nolan can get away with it in my opinion. This is because I am a fan of all their films such as Jurassic Park and The Dark Knight. 

Posters have a big effect on the marketing campaign because they are shown to the public all around the country first. There are two types of posters that the film companies release. These two styles of posters are:


·         Theatrical

·         Teaser2



Teaser posters can get people excited because it is kind of like a rumour. People will spread the word of what they saw and it will generate ideas of what it is and what it will consist of. For example, it has a red bat symbol without the title ‘Batman’ on it as it just has ‘The Dark Knight’. By having the bat symbol on it people will know it is a Batman film. Having the dark eyes and red lips on the teaser poster it will generate ideas that ‘The Joker’ will feature in the new batman film. This will get people excited that the famous villain from the original Batman series will be making another appearance.  

Trailers also have the same two styles as posters, teaser and theatrical.  Teaser trailers are released a while before the film is set to come out in the cinemas, these trailers will build hope and start spreading rumours and ideas about the upcoming film. Theatrical trailers however will be a montage of short clips from the actual film. The theatrical trailers are usually released about a month before the film is due. Theatrical trailers will show people what they should expect and also a lot of what they will see. It will also give away what genre of film it is by the short clips it reveals.

The radio is a good way of advertising an upcoming movie. For example if the radio station manages to get a big Hollywood actor in to talk about their new film, people will tune in to listen to it and after hearing what the star has to say about it, the listeners will want to go and watch the film. The timing of the broadcast is very important though because they would want to catch as many listeners as they could. A good time for this to be broadcasted would be in peak times such as the morning and evening rush hours when the listeners are commuting to and from work. A personal example of this comes from when I was driving to college one day and heard Will and Jaden Smith talking about their recently released film ‘After Earth’. After listening to the father son duo it made me want to see the movie straight away!

Marketing and advertising campaigns can spread over the internet and the movie producers can also get the fans involved in quests and games before the film is released. A good example of this is The Dark Knight. The producers had different objects such as mobile phones which they would call a number and be part of The Jokers thug army, which they placed around different major cities in the USA. This became a massive event and got the fans going crazy about the new Batman film soon to be released. This is a great way of getting fans involved in the movie and also a great way to spread word of mouth, I know if I heard about finding phones to call The joker I would certainly joined in on the action. Another way of using the internet is to put adverts on sites like YouTube where you often see an advert before you see the video you want to watch.

Film producers may also contact companies so that they can promote the film. For example the producers of The Dark Knight had burger king selling kids meals with Batman toys and they even did a special burger to mark the occasion. This is another great way of getting the film advertised everywhere. Having kids toys being handed out with the meals will make the kids want to go and watch the movie and they will also go and tell their friends. Parents may also see the toys or the special burger and decide they would also like to watch the new film.


Merchandising has taken off in the movie world. For example ten years ago you may have been able to pick up the odd shirt with the film title on it or maybe even a hat. However, times have changed. Now you can pick up toasters that print a mini Darth Vader in the middle of your toast! You can also buy things such as underwear, bed sets, cookie jars and even props!


Premiers are the events that you see on TV with all the celebrities, actors and producers arrive and walk down the red carpet in to the theatre. This is a great way for fans to come and see and maybe even meet the stars in person. People will camp outside the theatres where the event is being held. Some of the big films such as Harry Potter and Hunger Games the line of people can be gigantic. The press will also be at premiers trying to talk to the stars walking down the red carpet to get information about the film and what else they are filming.



Press Junkets

A press junket is where a celebrity or an actor in this case is being interviewed by a member of the press or a film critic. The main idea of a press junket is to gather information from the actor or actress. This information can be about many different subjects. Subjects such as how they felt when filming, did they enjoy it, would they recommend it (not like they would say no, but still) and the press might also see if they can get any information about a possible sequel to the film. Press junkets are a good and also interesting way of meeting the stars and hearing what they have to say about the film. This will also get fans very excited when they hear the actor or actress talking about their famous role in another film.

Preview Screenings

Preview screenings are for the press and critics to view the film before its official release date. This is so that they can write their reviews on it and be ready to put into magazines and onto websites for the public to see. This is good because if a member of the public is unsure about going to see a film or not, it will have a review ready for it on the release date or maybe even a few days before in some cases. Some people get previews mixed up with premiers, at preview screenings there will be no celebrities, just the press. Some people also get confused with the fact the preview screen is the final cut, unlike a test screening.


Small independent films will usually take advantage of film festivals. This is because they know there will be film critics that will watch their film and write about it on websites and also in magazine articles. This will spread word of mouth of their film no matter how big or small it is, even if it is a foreign film it has the chance to travel worldwide. A small independent French film called Blue is the Warmest Colour was the winner of the Cannes film festival Palme D’or. Some film critics who had watched the film said that it was one of the best films they had ever seen. This is a great example of a simple story independent film making a great name for it, and now I am writing about it!